Create groups of sample from a cor table with correlation >= cutoff
grouper(corTable, cutoff = 0.59, s1 = "row_sample", s2 = "col_sample")
corTable | Table of paiwise correlation between samples |
cutoff | corrlation threshold for samples to be grouped together |
s1 | Name of first column that contains sample names |
s2 | Name of second column that contains sample names |
List of groups found in the cor table
cor_test <- make_corLong(snps1 = test_snps, BrainTable1 = test_BrTable, ID_col1 = "Sample")
g <- grouper(cor_test)
#> grouping 4 samples...
snpsCalled_filter <- filter_called(snpsCalled_VCF)
snpsRNA <- make_snpsRNA(snpsGeno_VCF, snpsCalled_filter)
#> # matching snps: 255
pd_simple <- pd_example[,1:4]
corLong_rna <- make_corLong(snpsRNA$snpsCalled, BrainTable1 = pd_simple, ID_col1 = "SAMPLE_ID")
groups_rna <- grouper(corLong_rna)
#> grouping 42 samples...