This function builds a template for a Son of Grid Ending (SGE) job script including array jobs. Check this blog post by John Muschelli to learn more about array jobs:

  create_shell = FALSE,
  queue = "shared",
  memory = "10G",
  cores = 1L,
  email = "e",
  logdir = "logs",
  filesize = "100G",
  task_num = NULL,
  tc = 20,
  command = "Rscript -e \"options(width = 120); sessioninfo::session_info()\"",
  create_logdir = TRUE



A character(1) vector with the name of the script. Any spaces will be replaced by underscores.


A logical(1) vector specifying whether to create a shell file for the script.


A character(1) vector with the name of the SGE queue. Check how busy a given queue is by running qpic -q queuename.


The amount of memory per core to request in SGE syntax. You can check how much a current job is utilizing using the qmem JHPCE command. For more detail on the memory options, check


The number of cores to request. Note that the total memory your job will request is cores multiplied by memory.


The email reporting option for the email. For more information check


The directory for the SGE log files relative to the current working directory.


The maximum file size in SGE format.


The number of tasks for your job, which will make it into an array job. If NULL this is ignored.


If task_num is specified, this option controls the number of concurrent tasks.


An example command to start your script.


A logical(1) vector specifying whether to create the logdir directory. Note that if logdir doesn't exist and you submit your job with qsub, it will immediately fail.


A character vector with the script contents. If create_shell was specified then it also creates the actual script in the current working directory.


For a given SGE job that is currently running you can alter the options using qalter.


Leonardo Collado-Torres


## A regular job
job_single("jhpce_job", create_logdir = FALSE)
#> #!/bin/bash
#> #$ -cwd
#> #$ -l mem_free=10G,h_vmem=10G,h_fsize=100G
#> #$ -N jhpce_job
#> #$ -o logs/jhpce_job.txt
#> #$ -e logs/jhpce_job.txt
#> #$ -m e
#> echo "**** Job starts ****"
#> date
#> echo "**** JHPCE info ****"
#> echo "User: ${USER}"
#> echo "Job id: ${JOB_ID}"
#> echo "Job name: ${JOB_NAME}"
#> echo "Hostname: ${HOSTNAME}"
#> echo "Task id: ${SGE_TASK_ID}"
#> ## Load the R module (absent since the JHPCE upgrade to CentOS v7)
#> module load conda_R
#> ## List current modules for reproducibility
#> module list
#> ## Edit with your job command
#> Rscript -e "options(width = 120); sessioninfo::session_info()"
#> echo "**** Job ends ****"
#> date
#> ## This script was made using sgejobs version 0.99.2
#> ## available from

## A regular job with 10 cores on the 'imaginary' queue
    cores = 10, queue = "imaginary",
    create_logdir = FALSE
#> #!/bin/bash
#> #$ -cwd
#> #$ -l imaginary,mem_free=10G,h_vmem=10G,h_fsize=100G
#> #$ -pe local 10
#> #$ -N jhpce_job
#> #$ -o logs/jhpce_job.txt
#> #$ -e logs/jhpce_job.txt
#> #$ -m e
#> echo "**** Job starts ****"
#> date
#> echo "**** JHPCE info ****"
#> echo "User: ${USER}"
#> echo "Job id: ${JOB_ID}"
#> echo "Job name: ${JOB_NAME}"
#> echo "Hostname: ${HOSTNAME}"
#> echo "Task id: ${SGE_TASK_ID}"
#> ## Load the R module (absent since the JHPCE upgrade to CentOS v7)
#> module load conda_R
#> ## List current modules for reproducibility
#> module list
#> ## Edit with your job command
#> Rscript -e "options(width = 120); sessioninfo::session_info()"
#> echo "**** Job ends ****"
#> date
#> ## This script was made using sgejobs version 0.99.2
#> ## available from

## An array job
job_single("jhpce_job_array", task_num = 20, create_logdir = FALSE)
#> #!/bin/bash
#> #$ -cwd
#> #$ -l mem_free=10G,h_vmem=10G,h_fsize=100G
#> #$ -N jhpce_job_array
#> #$ -o logs/jhpce_job_array.$TASK_ID.txt
#> #$ -e logs/jhpce_job_array.$TASK_ID.txt
#> #$ -m e
#> #$ -t 1-20
#> #$ -tc 20
#> echo "**** Job starts ****"
#> date
#> echo "**** JHPCE info ****"
#> echo "User: ${USER}"
#> echo "Job id: ${JOB_ID}"
#> echo "Job name: ${JOB_NAME}"
#> echo "Hostname: ${HOSTNAME}"
#> echo "Task id: ${SGE_TASK_ID}"
#> ## Load the R module (absent since the JHPCE upgrade to CentOS v7)
#> module load conda_R
#> ## List current modules for reproducibility
#> module list
#> ## Edit with your job command
#> Rscript -e "options(width = 120); sessioninfo::session_info()"
#> echo "**** Job ends ****"
#> date
#> ## This script was made using sgejobs version 0.99.2
#> ## available from