This function imports the output of 'squeue' into tibble, also adding information about maximal virtual memory and RSS used by jobs of this user (you).

job_info(user = Sys.getenv("USER"), partition = "shared")



A character(1) vector specifying the username of the jobs to query. Set NULL to return info about all users' jobs.


A character(1) vector specifying the partition of the jobs to query. Set NULL to return info about jobs of all partitions.


A tibble with job information about currently running jobs.

See also

Other monitoring and informational functions: job_report(), partition_info()


Nicholas J. Eagles


#    Must be run in a SLURM environment where a 'shared' partition exists
if (system("which sbatch") == 0) {
    job_df <- job_info(partition = "shared")

    #    Sum up requested CPUs across all running jobs
    print(sprintf("I'm using %s CPUs total right now.", sum(job_df$cpus)))