This function computes the count scaling factors used by transform_counts(). This function is similar to recount::scale_counts(factor_only = TRUE), but it is more general.

  by = c("auc", "mapped_reads"),
  targetSize = 4e+07,
  L = 100,
  auc = "recount_qc.bc_auc.all_reads_all_bases",
  avg_mapped_read_length = "",
  mapped_reads = "",
  paired_end = is_paired_end(x, avg_mapped_read_length)



Either a RangedSummarizedExperiment-class created by create_rse() or the sample metadata created by read_metadata().


Either auc or mapped_reads. If set to auc it will compute the scaling factor by the total coverage of the sample. That is, the area under the curve (AUC) of the coverage. If set to mapped_reads it will scale the counts by the number of mapped reads (in the QC annotation), whether the library was paired-end or not, and the desired read length (L).


A numeric(1) specifying the target library size in number of single end reads.


A integer(1) specifying the target read length. It is only used when by = 'mapped_reads' since it cancels out in the calculation when using by = 'auc'.


A character(1) specifying the metadata column name that contains the area under the coverage (AUC). Note that there are several possible AUC columns provided in the sample metadata generated by create_rse().


A character(1) specifying the metdata column name that contains the average fragment length after aligning. This is typically twice the average read length for paired-end reads.


A character(1) specifying the metadata column name that contains the number of mapped reads.


A logical() vector specifying whether each sample is paired-end or not.


A numeric() with the sample scale factors that are used by transform_counts().

See also

Other count transformation functions: compute_read_counts(), is_paired_end(), transform_counts()


## Download the metadata for SRP009615, a single-end study
SRP009615_meta <- read_metadata(
    metadata_files = file_retrieve(
#> 2024-12-10 21:59:47.229737 caching file sra.sra.SRP009615.MD.gz.
#> 2024-12-10 21:59:47.652743 caching file sra.recount_project.SRP009615.MD.gz.
#> 2024-12-10 21:59:48.079769 caching file sra.recount_qc.SRP009615.MD.gz.
#> 2024-12-10 21:59:48.512771 caching file sra.recount_seq_qc.SRP009615.MD.gz.
#> 2024-12-10 21:59:48.950279 caching file sra.recount_pred.SRP009615.MD.gz.

## Compute the scaling factors
compute_scale_factors(SRP009615_meta, by = "auc")
#>  SRR387777  SRR387778  SRR387779  SRR387780  SRR389079  SRR389080  SRR389081 
#> 0.03996103 0.03457138 0.03071544 0.03833955 0.02367289 0.03517519 0.05286476 
#>  SRR389082  SRR389083  SRR389084  SRR389077  SRR389078 
#> 0.06658138 0.05071328 0.05204845 0.04585471 0.04066468 
compute_scale_factors(SRP009615_meta, by = "mapped_reads")
#>  SRR387777  SRR387778  SRR387779  SRR387780  SRR389079  SRR389080  SRR389081 
#> 0.11235750 0.09725162 0.08624279 0.10768442 0.06657889 0.09877155 0.14878642 
#>  SRR389082  SRR389083  SRR389084  SRR389077  SRR389078 
#> 0.18697660 0.14237100 0.14600002 0.12904391 0.11425062 

## Download the metadata for DRP000499, a paired-end study
DRP000499_meta <- read_metadata(
    metadata_files = file_retrieve(
#> 2024-12-10 21:59:49.407388 caching file sra.sra.DRP000499.MD.gz.
#> 2024-12-10 21:59:49.837336 caching file sra.recount_project.DRP000499.MD.gz.
#> 2024-12-10 21:59:50.328804 caching file sra.recount_qc.DRP000499.MD.gz.
#> 2024-12-10 21:59:50.742202 caching file sra.recount_seq_qc.DRP000499.MD.gz.
#> 2024-12-10 21:59:51.272496 caching file sra.recount_pred.DRP000499.MD.gz.

## Compute the scaling factors
compute_scale_factors(DRP000499_meta, by = "auc")
#>   DRR001622   DRR001623   DRR001624   DRR001625   DRR001626   DRR001627 
#> 0.022680966 0.032187945 0.021844235         Inf 0.034138563 0.022909709 
#>   DRR001628   DRR001629   DRR001630   DRR001631   DRR001632   DRR001633 
#> 0.005089376 0.011296977 0.009467943 0.007160352 0.005208585 0.012453028 
#>   DRR001634   DRR001635   DRR001636   DRR001637   DRR001638   DRR001639 
#> 0.007230697 0.008044157 0.007327219 0.005505240 0.008029237 0.009597381 
#>   DRR001640   DRR001641   DRR001642 
#> 0.013427737 0.014480916 0.010110987 
compute_scale_factors(DRP000499_meta, by = "mapped_reads")
#> Warning: is_paired_end(): Looks like some samples failed to align and will return NA.
#>   DRR001622   DRR001623   DRR001624   DRR001625   DRR001626   DRR001627 
#> 0.029459016 0.042985428 0.028993649          NA 0.045477396 0.030802276 
#>   DRR001628   DRR001629   DRR001630   DRR001631   DRR001632   DRR001633 
#> 0.007368791 0.018508532 0.011344073 0.009351792 0.006493370 0.014206925 
#>   DRR001634   DRR001635   DRR001636   DRR001637   DRR001638   DRR001639 
#> 0.009455928 0.010047395 0.008369215 0.007094889 0.009827127 0.011310495 
#>   DRR001640   DRR001641   DRR001642 
#> 0.015537455 0.016555494 0.012514436 

## You can compare the factors against those from recount::scale_counts()
## from the recount2 project which used a different RNA-seq aligner
## If needed, install recount, the R/Bioconductor package for recount2:
# BiocManager::install("recount")
recount2_factors <- recount::scale_counts(
    by = "auc", factor_only = TRUE
recount3_factors <- compute_scale_factors(SRP009615_meta, by = "auc")
recount_factors <- data.frame(
    recount2 = recount2_factors[order(names(recount2_factors))],
    recount3 = recount3_factors[order(names(recount3_factors))]
plot(recount2 ~ recount3, data = recount_factors)
abline(a = 0, b = 1, col = "purple", lwd = 2, lty = 2)