All functions |
Obtain the file extension for a given organism and annotation |
List available annotation options for a given organism |
List available projects in recount3 |
List available samples in recount3 |
Compute read counts |
Compute count scaling factors |
Create UCSC track hub for BigWig files |
Create a recount3 RangedSummarizedExperiment gene or exon object |
Internal function for creating a recount3 RangedSummarizedExperiment object |
Expand SRA attributes |
Download a remote file and cache it to re-use later |
Guess whether the samples are paired end |
Construct the URL to access a particular |
Construct the URL to a recount3 annotation file |
Find available project home options |
Read a counts file |
Read the metadata files |
Specify where to cache the recount3 files |
Locate recount3 cached files |
Remove recount3 cached files |
Transform the raw counts provided by the recount3 project |