Once you have computed the enrichment t-statistics for your sc/snRNA-seq data using registration_wrapper() and related functions, you can then use layer_stat_cor() and layer_stat_cor_plot() to perform the spatial registartion of your sc/snRNA-seq data. This function helps interpret that matrix and assign layer labels to your clusters.

  confidence_threshold = 0.25,
  cutoff_merge_ratio = 0.25



The output of layer_stat_cor().


A numeric(1) specifying the minimum correlation that a given cluster must have against any of the layers (by default) to be considered as having a 'good' assignment. Otherwise, the confidence will be 'poor' and the final label will have an asterisk.


A numeric(1) specifying the threshold for merging or not layer assignments (by default). This is a proportion of the difference between the current correlation and the next highest given the units of the next highest correlation. Defaults to a difference of 25% of the next highest correlation: if the observed difference is lower than this threshold, then we keep merging. Higher values will lead to more layers (by default) being merged.


A data.frame with 3 columns. Your clusters, the layer_confidence which depends on confidence_threshold, and the layer_label.


If you change the input modeling_results to layer_stat_cor() then the interpretation of this function could change. For example, maybe you have your own spatially-resolved transcriptomics data that doesn't have to be about DLPFC layers.

See also

Other Layer correlation functions: layer_stat_cor(), layer_stat_cor_plot()


## Obtain the necessary data
if (!exists("modeling_results")) {
    modeling_results <- fetch_data(type = "modeling_results")
#> 2024-12-13 19:39:58.500782 loading file /github/home/.cache/R/BiocFileCache/5c656d46b9_Human_DLPFC_Visium_modeling_results.Rdata%3Fdl%3D1

## Compute the correlations
cor_stats_layer <- layer_stat_cor(
    model_type = "enrichment"

## Obtain labels
#>    cluster layer_confidence           layer_label layer_label_simple
#> 1   22 (3)             good                    WM                 WM
#> 2    3 (3)             good                    WM                 WM
#> 3   23 (3)             good                    WM                 WM
#> 4   17 (3)             good                    WM                 WM
#> 5   21 (3)             good                    WM                 WM
#> 6    7 (4)             good                Layer1                 L1
#> 7    5 (4)             good                Layer1                 L1
#> 8    9 (5)             poor            Layer1/WM*             L1/WM*
#> 9   26 (5)             poor               Layer1*                L1*
#> 10   1 (4)             poor            Layer1/WM*             L1/WM*
#> 11  24 (6)             poor               Layer6*                L6*
#> 12  13 (1)             good                Layer6                 L6
#> 13  10 (1)             good                Layer6                 L6
#> 14  27 (1)             good                Layer6                 L6
#> 15  29 (2)             poor               Layer4*                L4*
#> 16  14 (2)             good                Layer4                 L4
#> 17  15 (2)             poor        Layer5/Layer4*              L5/4*
#> 18  18 (2)             poor               Layer4*                L4*
#> 19   2 (1)             poor               Layer5*                L5*
#> 20  31 (1)             good                Layer5                 L5
#> 21   8 (1)             poor               Layer2*                L2*
#> 22  16 (2)             poor               Layer2*                L2*
#> 23  28 (2)             poor               Layer2*                L2*
#> 24  30 (2)             poor               Layer2*                L2*
#> 25  20 (2)             poor Layer3/Layer5/Layer4*            L3/5/4*
#> 26  11 (2)             poor        Layer4/Layer3*              L4/3*
#> 27  25 (2)             poor Layer2/Layer4/Layer3*            L2/4/3*
#> 28   4 (1)             good         Layer3/Layer4               L3/4
#> 29  12 (1)             good                Layer4                 L4
#> 30   6 (1)             good                Layer2                 L2
#> 31  19 (1)             good                Layer3                 L3

## More relaxed merging threshold
annotate_registered_clusters(cor_stats_layer, cutoff_merge_ratio = 1)
#>    cluster layer_confidence                         layer_label
#> 1   22 (3)             good                                  WM
#> 2    3 (3)             good                                  WM
#> 3   23 (3)             good                                  WM
#> 4   17 (3)             good                                  WM
#> 5   21 (3)             good                                  WM
#> 6    7 (4)             good                              Layer1
#> 7    5 (4)             good                              Layer1
#> 8    9 (5)             poor                          Layer1/WM*
#> 9   26 (5)             poor                          Layer1/WM*
#> 10   1 (4)             poor                          Layer1/WM*
#> 11  24 (6)             poor                   Layer6/WM/Layer1*
#> 12  13 (1)             good                              Layer6
#> 13  10 (1)             good                              Layer6
#> 14  27 (1)             good                              Layer6
#> 15  29 (2)             poor                      Layer4/Layer3*
#> 16  14 (2)             good                Layer4/Layer5/Layer3
#> 17  15 (2)             poor                      Layer5/Layer4*
#> 18  18 (2)             poor               Layer4/Layer5/Layer3*
#> 19   2 (1)             poor                             Layer5*
#> 20  31 (1)             good                              Layer5
#> 21   8 (1)             poor                      Layer2/Layer3*
#> 22  16 (2)             poor                      Layer2/Layer3*
#> 23  28 (2)             poor                      Layer2/Layer3*
#> 24  30 (2)             poor Layer2/Layer3/Layer4/Layer5/Layer1*
#> 25  20 (2)             poor               Layer3/Layer5/Layer4*
#> 26  11 (2)             poor        Layer4/Layer3/Layer2/Layer5*
#> 27  25 (2)             poor        Layer2/Layer4/Layer3/Layer5*
#> 28   4 (1)             good                       Layer3/Layer4
#> 29  12 (1)             good                Layer4/Layer5/Layer3
#> 30   6 (1)             good                       Layer2/Layer3
#> 31  19 (1)             good                Layer3/Layer2/Layer4
#>    layer_label_simple
#> 1                  WM
#> 2                  WM
#> 3                  WM
#> 4                  WM
#> 5                  WM
#> 6                  L1
#> 7                  L1
#> 8              L1/WM*
#> 9              L1/WM*
#> 10             L1/WM*
#> 11           L6/WM/1*
#> 12                 L6
#> 13                 L6
#> 14                 L6
#> 15              L4/3*
#> 16             L4/5/3
#> 17              L5/4*
#> 18            L4/5/3*
#> 19                L5*
#> 20                 L5
#> 21              L2/3*
#> 22              L2/3*
#> 23              L2/3*
#> 24        L2/3/4/5/1*
#> 25            L3/5/4*
#> 26          L4/3/2/5*
#> 27          L2/4/3/5*
#> 28               L3/4
#> 29             L4/5/3
#> 30               L2/3
#> 31             L3/2/4