This function takes the output of gene_set_enrichment()
and creates a
ComplexHeatmap visualization of the results. Fill of the heatmap represents
the -log10(p-val), Odds-ratios are printed for test that pass specified
significance threshold ORcut
xlabs = unique(enrichment$ID),
PThresh = 12,
ORcut = 3,
enrichOnly = FALSE,
mypal = c("white", RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "YlOrRd")),
plot_SetSize_bar = FALSE,
gene_list_length = NULL,
model_sig_length = NULL,
model_colors = NULL,
The output of gene_set_enrichment()
A vector of names in the same order and length as
A numeric(1)
specifying the P-value threshold for the
maximum value in the -log10(p)
A numeric(1)
specifying the P-value threshold for the
minimum value in the -log10(p)
scale for printing the odds ratio values
in the cells of the resulting plot. Defaults to 3 or p-val < 0.001.
A logical(1)
indicating whether to show only odds ratio
values greater than 1.
A character
vector with the color palette to use. Colors will
be in order from 0 to lowest P-val max(-log(enrichment$Pval))
. Defaults to
white, yellow, red pallet.
A logical(1)
indicating whether to plot SetSize
from enrichment
as an anno_barplot
at the top of the heatmap.
Optional named numeric
vector indicating the length
of the gene_list
used to calculate enrichment
, if included and
plot_setSize_bar = TRUE
then the top anno_barplot
will show the SetSize
and the difference from the length of the input gene_list.
Optional named numeric
vector indicating the
number of significant genes in modeling_results
used to calculate
. If included anno_barplot
will be added to rows.
named character
vector of colors. It adds colors to
row annotations.
Additional parameters passed to
A (Heatmap-class) visualizing the gene set enrichment odds ratio and p-value results.
Includes functionality to plot the size of the input gene sets as barplot annotations.
Check https://github.com/LieberInstitute/HumanPilot/blob/master/Analysis/Layer_Guesses/check_clinical_gene_sets.R to see a full script from where this family of functions is derived from.
Other Gene set enrichment functions:
## Read in the SFARI gene sets included in the package
asd_sfari <- utils::read.csv(
package = "spatialLIBD"
as.is = TRUE
## Format them appropriately
asd_safari_geneList <- list(
Gene_SFARI_all = asd_sfari$ensembl.id,
Gene_SFARI_high = asd_sfari$ensembl.id[asd_sfari$gene.score < 3],
Gene_SFARI_syndromic = asd_sfari$ensembl.id[asd_sfari$syndromic == 1]
## Obtain the necessary data
if (!exists("modeling_results")) {
modeling_results <- fetch_data(type = "modeling_results")
#> 2025-03-20 21:15:42.845839 loading file /github/home/.cache/R/BiocFileCache/4e31b9215db_Human_DLPFC_Visium_modeling_results.Rdata%3Fdl%3D1
## Compute the gene set enrichment results
asd_sfari_enrichment <- gene_set_enrichment(
gene_list = asd_safari_geneList,
modeling_results = modeling_results,
model_type = "enrichment"
## Visualize the gene set enrichment results
## Default plot
enrichment = asd_sfari_enrichment
## Use a custom green color palette & use shorter gene set names
## (x-axis labels)
xlabs = gsub(".*_", "", unique(asd_sfari_enrichment$ID)),
mypal = c("white", RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "BuGn"))
## Add bar plot annotations for SetSize of model genes in the gene_lists
xlabs = gsub(".*_", "", unique(asd_sfari_enrichment$ID)),
plot_SetSize_bar = TRUE
## Add stacked bar plot annotations showing SetSize and difference from the
## length of the input gene_list
xlabs = gsub(".*_", "", unique(asd_sfari_enrichment$ID)),
plot_SetSize_bar = TRUE,
gene_list_length = lapply(asd_safari_geneList, length)
## add bar plot annotations for number of enriched genes from layers
if (!exists("sce_layer")) sce_layer <- fetch_data(type = "sce_layer")
#> 2025-03-20 21:15:47.310085 loading file /github/home/.cache/R/BiocFileCache/4e312f014a5_Human_DLPFC_Visium_processedData_sce_scran_sce_layer_spatialLIBD.Rdata%3Fdl%3D1
sig_genes <- sig_genes_extract(
modeling_results = modeling_results,
model = "enrichment",
sce_layer = sce_layer,
n = nrow(sce_layer)
sig_genes <- sig_genes[sig_genes$fdr < 0.1, ]
n_sig_model <- as.list(table(sig_genes$test))
## add barplot with n significant genes from modeling
xlabs = gsub(".*_", "", unique(asd_sfari_enrichment$ID)),
plot_SetSize_bar = TRUE,
model_sig_length = n_sig_model
## add color annotations
xlabs = gsub(".*_", "", unique(asd_sfari_enrichment$ID)),
plot_SetSize_bar = TRUE,
model_colors = libd_layer_colors
## add barplot with n significant genes from modeling filled with model color
xlabs = gsub(".*_", "", unique(asd_sfari_enrichment$ID)),
plot_SetSize_bar = TRUE,
model_sig_length = n_sig_model,
model_colors = libd_layer_colors