9 Software

BiocMAP makes use of several external software tools. The pipeline additionally supports the use of these tools via docker containers- this section also documents the docker images used in this mode.

9.1 Software Versions

Here is the full list of software used by this pipeline:

Software Version Command used by the pipeline
Arioc 1.43 AriocE, AriocP, AriocU
Bismark 0.23.0 bismark_prepare_genome, bismark_methylation_extractor, bismark2bedgraph, coverage2cytosine
cmake latest cmake
fastQC 0.11.8 fastqc
htslib 1.12 (software library)
libBigWig 0.4.6 (software library)
java 8+ java
kallisto 0.46.1 kallisto
MethylDackel 0.5.2 MethylDackel extract
nextflow >=0.27.0 (tested with 20.01.0) nextflow
R user-dependent Rscript
samblaster v.0.1.26 samblaster
samtools 1.10 samtools
Trim Galore! 0.6.6 trim_galore

9.2 Docker Images

The following image versions are used in this pipeline, when it is installed via the “docker” or “singularity” modes. These are automatically managed by BiocMAP.

Image Tag Software
libddocker/arioc 1.43 Arioc
libddocker/bioc_kallisto 3.17 R 4.3.0, Bioconductor 3.17, Kallisto 0.46.1
libddocker/bismark 0.23.0 Bismark
libddocker/filter_alignments 1.0 samtools 1.10, samblaster v.0.1.26
libddocker/kallisto 0.46.1 Kallisto
libddocker/methyldackel 0.5.2 MethylDackel, samtools 1.10
libddocker/quality_and_trim 0.6.6 FastQC 0.11.8, Cutadapt (latest), Trim Galore 0.6.6
libddocker/ubuntu16.04_base 1_v3 Ubuntu Base