This function returns a character()
vector with valid R colors for a given
input character()
of unique cell types. These were colors that have been
useful in our experience.
A character()
vector listing unique cell types.
A character(1)
indicating choice of included palettes:
: classic set of 8 cell type colors from LIBD, checked for
visability and color blind accessibility. Default palette.
: mimic colors automatically picked by ggplot.
: 20 distinct colors from tableau color palette, good for
large number of cell type.
A character()
vector listing user provided color palette. If
provided, overrides palette selection with palette_name.
delineating character(1)
after which suffixes will be ignored.
This is useful for cases when say A.1
and A.2
are both to be considered
fine subtypes of broad cell type A
(here split = "\\."
). When used the
function returns a nested list of borad and fine cell types.
A logical(1)
indicating whether to make a plot to preview
the colors.
A named character()
vector of R and hex color values compatible
with ggplot2:scale_color_manual()
## create cell colors with included palettes
create_cell_colors(palette_name = "classic")
#> Creating classic palette for 8 broad cell types
#> Astro Micro Endo Oligo OPC Excit Inhib Other
#> "#3BB273" "#FF56AF" "#663894" "#F57A00" "#D2B037" "#247FBC" "#E83E38" "#4E586A"
create_cell_colors(palette_name = "classic", preview = TRUE)
#> Creating classic palette for 8 broad cell types
#> Astro Micro Endo Oligo OPC Excit Inhib Other
#> "#3BB273" "#FF56AF" "#663894" "#F57A00" "#D2B037" "#247FBC" "#E83E38" "#4E586A"
create_cell_colors(palette_name = "tableau", preview = TRUE)
#> Creating tableau palette for 8 broad cell types
#> Astro Micro Endo Oligo OPC Excit Inhib Other
#> "#1F77B4" "#AEC7E8" "#FF7F0E" "#FFBB78" "#2CA02C" "#98DF8A" "#D62728" "#FF9896"
## use custom colors
my_colors <- c("darkorchid4", "deeppink4", "aquamarine3", "darkolivegreen1")
cell_type = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
palette = my_colors,
preview = TRUE
#> Creating custom palette for 4 broad cell types
#> A B C D
#> "darkorchid4" "deeppink4" "aquamarine3" "darkolivegreen1"
## use Rcolor brewer
cell_type = c("A", "B", "C"),
palette = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 3, name = "Set1"),
previe = TRUE
#> Creating custom palette for 3 broad cell types
#> A B C
#> "#E41A1C" "#377EB8" "#4DAF4A"
## Options for subtype handling
## Provide unique colors for cell subtypes (DEFAULT) - returns one level list
cell_types = c("A.1", "A.2", "B.1", "C", "D"),
palette_name = "classic",
preview = FALSE
#> Creating classic palette for 5 broad cell types
#> A.1 A.2 B.1 C D
#> "#3BB273" "#FF56AF" "#663894" "#F57A00" "#D2B037"
## Provide gradient colors for A.1 and A.2 by using the "split" argument
## returns a nested list with broad & fine cell type colors, fine cell types
## are gradient with the top level matching the broad cell type
cell_types = c("A.1", "A.2", "B.1", "C", "D"),
split = "\\.",
palette_name = "classic",
preview = TRUE
#> Creating classic palette for 4 broad cell types
#> Creating fine cell type gradients for 2 cell types
#> $broad
#> A B C D
#> "#3BB273" "#FF56AF" "#663894" "#F57A00"
#> $fine
#> A.1 A.2 B.1 C D
#> "#3BB273" "#9DD8B9" "#FF56AF" "#663894" "#F57A00"
## try with custom colors
cell_types = c("A.1", "A.2", "B.1", "C", "D"),
split = "\\.",
palette = my_colors,
preview = TRUE
#> Creating custom palette for 4 broad cell types
#> Creating fine cell type gradients for 2 cell types
#> $broad
#> A B C D
#> "darkorchid4" "deeppink4" "aquamarine3" "darkolivegreen1"
#> $fine
#> A.1 A.2 B.1 C
#> "#68228B" "#B390C4" "#8B0A50" "aquamarine3"
#> D
#> "darkolivegreen1"